Friday, April 5, 2013

Mental Health Still Treated As A Taboo Subject.

To some people, mental illness is a subject not to be discussed or even be thought about, maybe they think if they do they will suffer from some mental illness.People try to avoid the mentally ill like they might catch mental illness from someone.There are so many myths related to mental illness that it makes people fear the mentally ill.

One myth I find really strange is that the mentally ill are possessed by demons or devils.That myth has been around for as long as the human race has had the devil.It is not true, there is nothing controlling a mentally ill persons mind. No outside force has invaded their minds. These poor people either have something either physically wrong with their brain,a tumor maybe or some chemical imbalance that causes their problem.

Another myth is that they are faking it, and there is nothing wrong with them at all. They’re doing it to get attention or to be noticed. Why would anyone do that in the first place? No one would want to be thought of  as being mentally ill ,if they're not.

The myth that they can control their minds if they wanted to.They could stop being crazy just be willing it.Most people who are mentally ill don’t know that their view of the world is not real.They don’t think anything is wrong with them that needs correcting.To think someone with the will of their own mind ,make themselves not crazy is not realistic.

Here are some truths about mental illness,some people if given the right medicine can lead a normal productive life. Some with therapy can be helped and can then lead a better life. People just because they had mental illness once , doesn’t mean that they can’t be cured and then lead a normal life. Everyone I think has periods of mental illness ,times when we are overly depressed ,or times when we are overwhelmed by stress. It's a normal process of life that sometimes each of us need a break from the daily grind of life.
Some people, the stress breaks them,because maybe genetically they're not built to deal with stress.In some families you can see a history of mental illness.Mental illness passed down from generation to generation proves that mental illness can be inherited.So maybe gene therapies in the future can cure some mental illnesses.Stem cell research could offer new hopes to people suffering from diseases of the mind.Plus need medicines are being created everyday to help the mentally ill.

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