How To Stop A Panic Attack - Simple Technique For Anxiety Sufferers
By Michael B Reyes
Having a panic attack is a horrible feeling. Having one almost every day is even worse. For those of you who suffer from extreme anxiety then know that you are not alone. Also know that there is indeed a way to prevent and stop them from happening as often. Below I will share with you a simple yet highly effective technique that helped me a lot.
When you are experiencing a panic attack what do you feel? Fear, right? It is this feeling of fear which causes you to have the attack in the first place. You see, it is your mind that thinks that whatever triggered the attack is dangerous, and should be feared. The "fight or flight" response in your brain activates, and you start panicking.
To prevent panic attacks you must lower your anxiety level. Remember that. The higher your level of anxiety is the greater the chance that one will happen.
In other words, you must fight your fear. The fear that triggers the panic attack. This can be done with one word: Persistence.
The next time you have an attack try your best to persist through it. Tell your brain that you are not afraid, that you can take the heat.
Say things to yourself like:
"Give me your worst. I am not afraid!"
"Is this the best that you got panic attack? I want more!"
By subconsciously telling your brain that you are not afraid of the fear that triggered the attack you are literally reprogramming your brain. You are letting your mind know that there is no danger, no reason to fear.
Lets say you have a fear of going to your neighbor's house across the street. The reason being is that the weather outside is humid, and you know that you are going to sweat. What you need to do is leave your comfort zone for just a couple of minutes. It is this comfort zone that is feeding your anxiety. By leaving your confined space of comfort you are building confidence in yourself, and lowering your anxiety level. So try going outside and walk across the street. No matter how much you sweat do not give up. Fight your fear and persist through it.
In time your anxiety level will lower, and the amount of panic related problems that you get will lessen. The simple things in life that should not be feared will no longer make you as jumpy.
Hopefully this technique can help you out even if just a little in your fight toward permanent panic attacks recovery.
This technique is just one of many that can be used for panic attacks treatment. For even more tips for lowering your anxiety level, see my blog here: How To Stop Panic Attacks
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