Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cure Your Panic Attacks Naturally

Cure Your Panic Attacks Naturally

Cure Your Panic Attacks Naturally
By Catherine Quel

Simply reading the words "panic attack" and knowing how you feel when you're scared, is not enough to really understand the magnitude of what it feels like to have a panic attack. The inability to catch your breath; the absolute gut-wrenching fear; the sensation that life as you know it, is ending. These are the hallmarks of a true panic attack, and once you have felt them, you will know why people who suffer from them will do anything possible to avoid having another one. It is possible to cure them naturally with a few simple techniques, and then you never need to worry about having that feeling again.

One very effective way to cure them naturally is to study a topic known as "Breath Work." This is the art of using your breath, to control your body's response to a panic attack. Breath work has been practiced as a healing technique for centuries in the Far East and a good place to find a teacher, would be a yoga studio. You can also check with massage therapy schools, health food stores, and acupuncture clinics. Any of these places would be very likely to be able to refer you to someone who has mastered this art, and can teach it to you with no problems.

Another way is a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique. You can do a search engine query and find a wide variety of do-it-yourself videos and written material, and you can definitely teach yourself this amazing method. The fundamental idea is that once you change the thought patterns around something, you can prevent that from ever happening again. The Emotional Freedom Technique has helped people cure fear of heights, fear of flying, and many other emotionally charged conditions; it can Cure Panic Attacks Naturally, too.

You also can seek the help of a qualified hypnotherapist. This person will help get to the root causes, the events and circumstances which cause you to have panic attacks in the first place. Hypnotherapy can unlock these causes, help you work past them, and get you into the emotional place where what used to trigger your panic attacks, simply doesn't bother you any more. If the idea of being hypnotized makes you uneasy, know that they cannot "make" you do anything you are unwilling to do. Hypnotherapists are respected practitioners of a healing profession, and you can be comfortable in working with them to resolve your issue.

You can also check with a health food store to learn about dietary considerations that contribute to anxiety attacks. It might require the use of more than one method, but please know that is is definitely possible for you to cure your anxiety and panic attacks naturally. All it takes is a little effort in finding what works for you, but once you have identified that solution? The feeling of knowing you will never have that experience again, makes all of your efforts worthwhile.

Are you suffering from panic attacks? Did you know that you can cure them naturally? Go to and stop letting anxiety and panic attacks control your life.

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Friday, April 5, 2013

The 7 Deadly Sins of Anxiety: Identifying Them in Order to Avoid Them

The 7 Deadly Sins of Anxiety: Identifying Them in Order to Avoid Them

The 7 Deadly Sins of Anxiety: Identifying Them in Order to Avoid Them

By Alex P. Keats

Next to depression, excessive and chronic anxiety is most common mental disorder, affecting upwards of almost 20% of the US population. Regardless of the specific type, they all have one thing in common: These disorders make you engage in behaviors you normally wouldn't - and further cement the hold anxiety has on you. Most would agree that it is generally what we're unaware of that tends to wreak the most havoc in our lives.

In this article, we'll take a look at the importance of identifying the seven most common ways we unconsciously reinforce our anxiety. Next, we will offer seven suggestions to reduce or eliminate our tendency to engage in these destructive perceptions and behaviors that keep us stuck. In the end, it is my hope that you identify specifically what you must avoid in order to cure your anxiety. This article will be an excellent start.

We can only understand and change what we're first aware of. In this Spirit, let's continue and identify what we must avoid in order to leave our anxiety behind for good.

Here are the 7 Deadly Sins of Anxiety to Avoid...

Deadly Sin #1: A Strong Tendency to Isolate

Whenever we're feeling good, we tend to want to be in the company of others, don't we? When we are happy and upbeat, don't we often pick up the phone and call a friend to simply chat, or make plans to get together? When we aren't feeling so good, we tend to withdraw from the world around us.

The next time you find yourself isolating, force yourself to reach out and make that phone call or make plans to meet that friend. Be honest with what you're experiencing and let that person know you could really use a friend right now. You have people in your life right now that are more than willing to support you, but won't unless you ask them.

Deadly Sin #2: Consuming Stimulants

You want to know a key insight I didn't see for the longest time? In order to be at rest mentally and emotionally, your body must be at rest. I can't tell you how many years it took me to recognize this simple fact. Try getting all jacked up on five cups of coffee and being at rest. It just won't work.

If you are addicted to coffee, sugar, caffeine, energy drinks or any other stimulant, deeply consider the toll it's taking on your mental and emotional wellbeing. Anxiety and stimulants don't go together, so you may want to decide what you value more in your life - consuming stimulants or curing your anxiety.

The truth is, you can't have both. You may think you can, but you can't. The mind and the body may seem separate, but they truly are one. Stimulate one and the other follows. Bring one to rest and the other follows. Make the decision to rid yourself of stimulants, at least for the time being.

Deadly Sin #3: Refusing to Accept Your Anxiety

Refusal can come in many forms. You can refuse to accept your anxiety by running from it, wishing it wasn't there, or by engaging in distraction strategies like sleep, drugs, alcohol, television and reading. However, none of them ultimately work. They may provide temporary relief but that's about it.

You've heard it before - what you resist persists. Don't just simply read this and agree or disagree. Get real curious and see if this principle is really true in your own direct experience. Is it true that what I resist persists? There are countless things you presently resist. Pick one and experiment with it. What you find may pleasantly surprise you.

And if it's already happening, can you say yes to it? Can you say yes to what is already happening, as it's happening? Regardless of what's happening, the only problem we ever have is when we refuse to accept what is actually happening. But don't believe me; find out for yourself.

Deadly Sin #4: Being Overly Sedentary and Inactive

Being sedentary and inactive is what anxiety feeds on. Counter that habit and starve it. Find out the activities you are naturally drawn to and begin to engage in them, but don't overdo it. Go slow at first, but be consistent. You may be surprised at how much better you'll feel after a brisk walk out in nature.

Avoid the tendency to be sedentary and inactive, especially if you want to overcome your anxiety. Go for a brisk walk and breathe in that fresh air - and notice how much better you feel. The benefits of low-impact exercise have been proven time and time again. Something this simple pays huge dividends, especially over a period of time.

Deadly Sin #5: Wallowing in Negative Self-Talk

Granted, 'stinkin thinkin' often arises when anxiety arises, but how you respond to it is what really matters. Are you buying into the negative self-talk and wallowing in it, or do you respond by saying, "Thanks for sharing, but since I know what I think about I bring about, I choose to think positive thoughts today."

Become a thought detective and question the validity of what your mind is telling you. It's a great way to interrupt the negative self-talk. Asking, "Is that really true" is an effective way to weaken any self-defeating thought that has a hold on you. Even the doomsayer in your mind must be honest when you ask what it says is true or not!

Deadly Sin #6: Being Preoccupied With What Others 'Might' Think

Your mind will imagine all sorts of unpleasant things others 'might be' thinking about you. It can leave you paranoid, embarrassed, ashamed and insecure! This has got to be one of the biggest energy wasters of all.

Once you see through the belief that not caring about what others think of you makes you a cold and callous person, you are on your way to a life of peace and happiness. Why? Because it frees up that energy so it can be used towards curing your anxiety.

Imagine being a kind and caring person that has the attitude, "what you think of me is none of my business!" At first glance, it does seem callous and uncaring - but it isn't. Is it really truly your business what others think of you? No, it isn't.

Being preoccupied with what others might think of you actually weakens you. It robs you of the attention and energy needed for your own recovery - and reinforces the illusion that you aren't enough just as you are. Believe me when I tell you, you are. Besides, you can never know what another might be thinking about you. In the end, it doesn't matter, and it's not your business.

Deadly Sin #7: Being Identified With Your Thoughts and Feelings

Are you your thoughts and feelings or do you have thoughts and feelings? If you identify with the negative thoughts in your mind, then you will also identify with the corresponding negative emotion in your body. As we said before, the mind and body truly are one.

If we can notice that thoughts and emotions happen spontaneously and without our volition, we're better able to see we aren't those thoughts and feelings. Give your thoughts and feelings room to move about in the thought and feeling-free awareness you are.

The point is this: You are not the author of your thoughts and feelings; they happen all by themselves. You aren't making your anxiety happen, so you can't be blamed for it. Let the thoughts and feelings come as they come - they aren't what you are, so don't identify with them.

In Conclusion

In order to ensure we are on the road to curing our anxiety, we must be mindful and aware of our thoughts and behaviors. In other words, we want to make sure we're looking in the right direction - the direction where peace is. If we wish to enjoy a beautiful and peaceful sunset, we must be facing west, not east.

When we notice we aren't looking in a direction where peace isn't found, we simply turn around and face the direction where peace is found. Once we're facing the proper direction, we move forward courageously, knowing that we're consciously avoiding falling into the trap of The 7 Deadly Sins of Anxiety.

Whenever we are engaging in any of the above 7 Deadly Sins, we aren't looking in the direction where our peace is.

The truth is, anxiety is invasive, distressing and confusing. It's about as fun as showing up to your best friend's wedding on a bad hair day. But fortunately, it's also curable. To find out how to banish anxiety forever and make life good again, go to

Alex Keats, author of "Born To Be Happy", shows us how anxiety is the result of a trick being played in your mind. And once you know exactly how and why your mind does this, it loses all power and you quickly and easily gain your life back. To learn why you stay anxious - and to find out what mistakes to avoid, visit

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How to Decrease Anxiety

How to Decrease Anxiety

How to Decrease Anxiety

By Terri Maceyka

When you are feeling anxious try these tips and techniques in lieu of medications. You might be surprised at how much better you feel about yourself.

1. If you are prone to anxiety, find ways to eliminate or at least reduce this feeling by doing something that relaxes you. I find that using a diffuser with Peppermint Essential Oil can enhance my mood when I am feeling anxious about something that is going on in my life. I take a few deep breaths and focus on staying calm and relaxed. I find that I enjoy the smell of the Peppermint Oil and have noticed that it has stimulating properties that actually do help me feel more relaxed and calm about the situation.

3. Watching the news can sometimes fill us up with anxiety. If that is true for you, then turn the TV off and give yourself a break. The world will continue on even if we miss the news for a day or two. Instead, listen to some relaxing music and light a few candles to set a relaxing mood.

4. Do something new for yourself. Doing something new or even confronting a fear can actually help you overcome anxiety about that situation or circumstance. Taking baby steps to overcome a fear can actually be more positive than just doing nothing. You will also feel a sense of great satisfaction which can be quite a mood enhancer.

5. Exercise can help keep the fears in check that overwhelm you. Look into gentle forms of exercise like Yoga. Yoga offers a excellent form of workout along with focusing on meditation and breathing to calm your thoughts.

6. Start writing down things that make you grateful. By keeping a gratitude journal you will be surprised to find out how fulfilling your life is and how many things you actually have in your life that are positive.

Many of us allow our feelings of anxiety and hopelessness to take over our thoughts when what we really need to do is focus on the things in our lives that are going right. It is better to focus on the positive rather than dwell on the negative. Studies have shown that focusing on positive thoughts and intentions can be uplifting for us. One thing that I find helps when I'm in a down mood or feeling anxious is to find someone or an organization that needs some help. I feel a great sense of satisfaction to be able to help someone in need.

We offer relaxing products such as Essential Oils, Diffusers and Candles. Check out our website at

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How To Stop A Panic Attack - Simple Technique For Anxiety Sufferers

How To Stop A Panic Attack - Simple Technique For Anxiety Sufferers

How To Stop A Panic Attack - Simple Technique For Anxiety Sufferers

By Michael B Reyes

Having a panic attack is a horrible feeling. Having one almost every day is even worse. For those of you who suffer from extreme anxiety then know that you are not alone. Also know that there is indeed a way to prevent and stop them from happening as often. Below I will share with you a simple yet highly effective technique that helped me a lot.

When you are experiencing a panic attack what do you feel? Fear, right? It is this feeling of fear which causes you to have the attack in the first place. You see, it is your mind that thinks that whatever triggered the attack is dangerous, and should be feared. The "fight or flight" response in your brain activates, and you start panicking.

To prevent panic attacks you must lower your anxiety level. Remember that. The higher your level of anxiety is the greater the chance that one will happen.

In other words, you must fight your fear. The fear that triggers the panic attack. This can be done with one word: Persistence.

The next time you have an attack try your best to persist through it. Tell your brain that you are not afraid, that you can take the heat.

Say things to yourself like:

"Give me your worst. I am not afraid!"

"Is this the best that you got panic attack? I want more!"

By subconsciously telling your brain that you are not afraid of the fear that triggered the attack you are literally reprogramming your brain. You are letting your mind know that there is no danger, no reason to fear.

Lets say you have a fear of going to your neighbor's house across the street. The reason being is that the weather outside is humid, and you know that you are going to sweat. What you need to do is leave your comfort zone for just a couple of minutes. It is this comfort zone that is feeding your anxiety. By leaving your confined space of comfort you are building confidence in yourself, and lowering your anxiety level. So try going outside and walk across the street. No matter how much you sweat do not give up. Fight your fear and persist through it.

In time your anxiety level will lower, and the amount of panic related problems that you get will lessen. The simple things in life that should not be feared will no longer make you as jumpy.

Hopefully this technique can help you out even if just a little in your fight toward permanent panic attacks recovery.

This technique is just one of many that can be used for panic attacks treatment. For even more tips for lowering your anxiety level, see my blog here: How To Stop Panic Attacks

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Mental Health Still Treated As A Taboo Subject.

To some people, mental illness is a subject not to be discussed or even be thought about, maybe they think if they do they will suffer from some mental illness.People try to avoid the mentally ill like they might catch mental illness from someone.There are so many myths related to mental illness that it makes people fear the mentally ill.

One myth I find really strange is that the mentally ill are possessed by demons or devils.That myth has been around for as long as the human race has had the devil.It is not true, there is nothing controlling a mentally ill persons mind. No outside force has invaded their minds. These poor people either have something either physically wrong with their brain,a tumor maybe or some chemical imbalance that causes their problem.

Another myth is that they are faking it, and there is nothing wrong with them at all. They’re doing it to get attention or to be noticed. Why would anyone do that in the first place? No one would want to be thought of  as being mentally ill ,if they're not.

The myth that they can control their minds if they wanted to.They could stop being crazy just be willing it.Most people who are mentally ill don’t know that their view of the world is not real.They don’t think anything is wrong with them that needs correcting.To think someone with the will of their own mind ,make themselves not crazy is not realistic.

Here are some truths about mental illness,some people if given the right medicine can lead a normal productive life. Some with therapy can be helped and can then lead a better life. People just because they had mental illness once , doesn’t mean that they can’t be cured and then lead a normal life. Everyone I think has periods of mental illness ,times when we are overly depressed ,or times when we are overwhelmed by stress. It's a normal process of life that sometimes each of us need a break from the daily grind of life.
Some people, the stress breaks them,because maybe genetically they're not built to deal with stress.In some families you can see a history of mental illness.Mental illness passed down from generation to generation proves that mental illness can be inherited.So maybe gene therapies in the future can cure some mental illnesses.Stem cell research could offer new hopes to people suffering from diseases of the mind.Plus need medicines are being created everyday to help the mentally ill.

Stress a small word with lots of meaning

Stress a small word with lots of meaning for many people in the United States.Many people under the pressure of modern life carry a large amount of stress with them through their daily lives. No where in our system of life is it taught how to handle stress
Stress a small word with lots of meaning for many people in the United States.Many people under the pressure of modern life carry a large amount of stress with them through their daily lives. No where in our system of life is it taught how to handle stress.In Japan they teach mediation and other way to relax the mind.In china they have for centuries practiced ways to relax the mind and body.We in the western world have never learned ways to give the mind a vacation from the mundane everyday stress making problems we all face..Below are some of the ways you can learn to limit the effects of stress.

  • Mediation -A way to relax the mind and body by using your own mind to create a relaxing state of mind..

  • Self Hypnosis-A way of training yourself by listening to a voice commanding you in a soft soothing voice to relax.It can be done to a recorded voice on a CD.

  • Subliminal messages-a recording of music or nature sounds with a subliminal message played in the background that tells you to relax.

  • Bio-feedback-A machine that monitors your body’s reaction to stress.By seeing the level of stress in your body,you can learn to lower it by controlling your own body’s responses.

  • Massage -By kneading muscles that are tensed you can relax those muscles.Tensed muscles are one of the body’s way of dealing with stress.

  • Aromatherapy- Pleasing smells can help you to relax and create an atmosphere of relaxation.- Pleasing smells can help you to relax and create an atmosphere of relaxation.

  • Warm Bath- Taking the time to lay in a nice warm bath or a whirlpool type bath can release tension in your body.

  • Medication- Either herbal or medication subscribed by your doctor. This should only be used as a last resort.Most herbal remedies are safe but some like any drug can have side effects.Be careful with any medications.It is always wise to consult your doctor first.

  • Exercise-Go take a walk,Tia Chi, or do Yoga. An exercise with little stress and slow movements can help you relax.

  • Food-Certain foods or teas can help you relax,learn what foods are you comfort foods. 
 Your bedroom should be your oasis of peace,think of it as your place to get away from the world outside,your place to relax.Make it as peaceful as possible, You can do that by having peaceful sounds and smells as part of the room environment.A soft bed you can lie in ,maybe with satin sheets.They now have small electronic fireplaces that can give off a warm glow.The flickering can bring a sense of peace. Everyone needs a vacation from stress,your bedroom can be that daily vacation from stress.